






PhD thesis: Basement membrane heterogeneity

(1989):  University of Maastricht.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. F.T. Bosman







A. Dissertation:

PhD thesis: Basement membrane heterogeneity

(1989):  University of Maastricht.

Promotor: Prof. Dr. F.T. Bosman





Esther Creemers: 

        Wound healing after myocardial infarction. Focus on matrix metalloproteinases

           and the plasminogen system 

o        16 juni 2000

o        Co-promotor: Dr. Ir. J.P.M. Cleutjens

o        Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen


Cherida Dhore:

o        Atherosclerotic calcification.

o        3 juni 2005

o        Co-promotor: Dr. Ir. J.P.M. Cleutjens

o        Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.J.A.P. Daemen





B. International scientific publications WI-1: (de artikelen zijn te raadplegen via de blauwe links

in de referentielijst of via: Web of Science, ResearchGate of via PubMed).



Ganizada, B. H., Reesink, K. D., Parikh, S., Ramaekers, M. J. F. G., Akbulut, A. C., Saraber, P. J. M. H., Debeij, G. P., Mumc-Taa Student Team, Jaminon, A. M., Natour, E., Lorusso, R., Wildberger, J. E., Mees, B., Schurink, G. W., Jacobs, M. J., Cleutjens, J., Krapels, I., Gombert, A., Maessen, J. G., Accord, R., … Bidar, E. (2023). The Maastricht Acquisition Platform for Studying Mechanisms of Cell-Matrix Crosstalk (MAPEX): An Interdisciplinary and Systems Approach towards Understanding Thoracic Aortic Disease.  Biomedicines, 11(8), 2095. 



van der Weijden, J., De Hoogt, P. A., Leufkens, M. M. E., Keijbeck, A. A., van Goor, H., van den Heuvel, M. C., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Moers, C., Snoeijs, M. G., Navis, G. J., van Londen, M., Nolte, I. M., Berger, S. P., De Borst, M. H., & Peutz-Kootstra, C. J. (2023). The relationship of peritubular capillary density with glomerular volume and kidney function in living kidney donors. Journal of nephrology36(7), 2111–2124.



Keijbeck, A., Raaijmaakers, A., Hillen, L., Gelens, M., van Kuijk, S., Cleutjens, J.P.M., Peutz-Kootstra, C. and Christiaans, M. (2023): 82(5):713-721, Visual interstitial fibrosis assessment as continuous variable in protocol renal transplant biopsies. Histopathology.  



Kuiper, S.Z. , van Tol, R.R., Lataster, A., Cleutjens, J.P.M., Melenhorst, J., van Dijk,P., van Kuijk, S.M.J., Breukink, S.O. (2022). A Morphometric Analysis of Pathological Alterations in Hemorrhoidal Disease Versus Normal Controls: A Controlled Trial. Journal of Coloproctology 2022; 42(02): 140-145 (DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1742257)


Moshi, J.M. , Ummelen, M., Broers, J.L.V., Smedts, F., Van de Vijver, K.K., Cleutjens, J.P.M., Litjens, R.J.N.T.M., Ramaekers, F.C.S., Hopman A.H.N. (2022): 158(6):545-559. SOX2 expression in the pathogenesis of premalignant lesions of the uterine cervix: its histo-topographical distribution distinguishes between low- and high-grade CIN. Histochem Cell Biol 


Widowski, H., Reynaert, N. L., Ophelders, D., Hutten, M. C., Nikkels, P. G. J., Severens-Rijvers, C. A. H., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Kemp, M. W., Newnham, J. P., Saito, M., Usuda, H., Payne, M. S., Jobe, A. H., Kramer, B. W., Delhaas, T., & Wolfs, T. (2021). Sequential Exposure to Antenatal Microbial Triggers Attenuates Alveolar Growth and Pulmonary Vascular Development and Impacts Pulmonary Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells. Front Med (Lausanne), 8, 614239. doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.614239



van Gorp, C., de Lange, I. H., Massy, K. R. I., Kessels, L., Jobe, A. H., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Kemp, M. W., Saito, M., Usada, H., Newnham, J., Hutten, M., Kramer, B. W., Zimmermann, L. J., & Wolfs, T. (2021). Intestinal Goblet Cell Loss during Chorioamnionitis in Fetal Lambs: Mechanistic Insights and Postnatal Implications. Int J Mol Sci, 22(4), 1946. doi:10.3390/ijms22041946


Heij, L. R., Tan, X., Kather, J. N., Niehues, J. M., Sivakumar, S., Heussen, N., van der Kroft, G., Damink, S., Lang, S., Aberle, M. R., Luedde, T., Gaisa, N. T., Bednarsch, J., Liu, D. H. W., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Modest, D. P., Neumann, U. P., & Wiltberger, G. J. (2021). Nerve Fibers in the Tumor Microenvironment Are Co-Localized with Lymphoid Aggregates in Pancreatic Cancer. J Clin Med, 10(3), 490. doi:10.3390/jcm10030490


Widowski, H., Ophelders, D., van Leeuwen, A., Nikkels, P. G. J., Severens-Rijvers, C. A. H., LaPointe, V. L. S., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Hutten, M. C., Kemp, M. W., Payne, M. S., Saito, M., Usuda, H., Newnham, J. P., Jobe, A. H., Kramer, B. W., Delhaas, T., Wolfs, T., & Reynaert, N. L. (2021). Chorioamnionitis induces changes in ovine pulmonary endogenous epithelial stem/progenitor cells in utero. Pediatr Res, 90(3), 549-558. doi:10.1038/s41390-020-01204-9


Bijnen M, Beelen N, Wetzels S, Gaar JV, Vroomen M, Wijnands E, Scheijen JL, van de Waarenburg MPH, Gijbels MJ, Cleutjens JP, Biessen EAL, Stehouwer CDA, Schalkwijk CG, Wouters K. Rage deficiency does not affect non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and atherosclerosis in western type diet-fed ldlr(-/-) mice. Sci Rep. 2018;8:15256



Barkhuizen M, van Dijck FJP, Jellema RK, Gussenhoven R, Engelbertink I, van Mechelen R, Cleutjens JPM, Seehase M, Steinbusch HWM, Zimmermann LJ, Gavilanes AWD, Kramer BW. The influence of anesthetics on substantia nigra tyrosine hydroxylase expression and tau phosphorylation in the hypoxic-ischemic near-term lamb. Pediatr Res. 2018 May 9. doi: 10.1038/pr.2018.42.



Koelfat, K. V. K.,Visschers, R. G. J., Hodin, C. M. J.M, de Waart, D. R., van Gemert, W. G., Cleutjens, J. P. M., Gijbels, M. J., Shiri-Sverdlov, R., Mookerjee, R. P., Lenaerts, K., Schaap, F. G., Olde Damink, S.W.M. (2018). FXR agonism protects against liver injury in a rat model of intestinal failure-associated liver disease. J Clin Transl Res 3(3): 318-327



van den Hil LCL, Vogels RRM, van Barneveld KWY, Gijbels MJJ, Peutz-Kootstra CJ, Cleutjens JPM,  Schreinemacher MHF, Bouvy ND. Comparability of histological outcomes in rats and humans in a hernia model. J Surg Res. 2018; 229: 271–276



Henatsch D, Alsulami S, Duijvestijn AM, Cleutjens JP, Peutz-Kootstra CJ, Stokroos RJ. Histopathological and Inflammatory Features of Chronically Discharging Open Mastoid Cavities: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018;144(3):211-217. 


Theodorou K, van der Vorst EPC, Gijbels MJ, Wolfs IMJ, Jeurissen M, Theelen TL, Sluimer JC, Wijnands E, Cleutjens JP, Li Y, Jansen Y, Weber C, Ludwig A, Bentzon JF, Bartsch JW, Biessen EAL and Donners M. Whole body and hematopoietic ADAM8 deficiency does not influence advanced atherosclerotic lesion development, despite its association with human plaque progression. Sci Rep. 2017;7:11670.



Janneke Kessels, Lotte Voeten, Patty Nelemans, Jack Cleutjens, Lisa Maria Hillen, Klara Mosterd, Nicole W. J. Kelleners-Smeets. Topical Sinecatechins, 10%, Ointment for Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma. A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Dermatol. 2017;153(10):1061-1063



Uitterdijk A, Springeling T, Hermans KCM, Merkus D, de Beer VJ, Gorsse-Bakker C, Mokelke E, Daskalopoulos EP, Wielopolski PA, Cleutjens JPM, Blankesteijn WM, Prinzen FW, van der Giessen WJ, van Geuns RM, Duncker DJ.  Intermittent pacing therapy favorably modulates infarct remodeling. Basic Res Cardiol. 2017 May;112(3):28.  



Vink RG, Roumans NJ, Čajlaković M, Cleutjens JP, Boekschoten MV, Fazelzadeh P, Vogel MA, Blaak EE, Mariman EC, van Baak MA, Goossens GH. Diet-induced weight loss decreases adipose tissue oxygen tension with parallel changes in adipose tissue phenotype and insulin sensitivity in overweight humans. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 41, 722-728



van Hoof RH, Vöö SA, Sluimer JC, Wijnen NJ, Hermeling E, Schreuder FH, Truijman MT, Cleutjens JP, Daemen MJ, Daemen JH, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Mess WH, Wildberger JE, Heeneman S, Kooi ME. Vessel wall and adventitial DCE-MRI parameters demonstrate similar correlations with carotid plaque microvasculature on histology. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2017; 46: 1053-1059



Swarts DR, Rudelius M, Claessen SM, Cleutjens JP, Seidl S, Volante M, Ramaekers FC, Speel EJ. Limited additive value of the Ki-67 proliferative index on patient survival in World Health Organization-classified pulmonary carcinoids. Histopathology. 2017 Feb;70(3):412-422.



Poort LJ, Kiewiet CC, Cleutjens JP, Houben R, Hoebers FJ, Kessler PA. Osseointegration and implant stability of extraoral implants in Göttingen minipigs after irradiation. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2016 Nov;44(11):1842-1848.



Vöö S, Kwee RM, Sluimer JC, Schreuder FH, Wierts R, Bauwens M, Heeneman S, Cleutjens JP, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Daemen JW, Daemen MJ, Mottaghy FM and Kooi ME. Imaging Intraplaque Inflammation in Carotid Atherosclerosis With 18F-Fluorocholine Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography: Prospective Study on Vulnerable Atheroma With Immunohistochemical Validation. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016;9.



Maessen DE, Brouwers O, Gaens KH, Wouters K, Cleutjens JP, Janssen BJ, Miyata T, Stehouwer CD and Schalkwijk CG. Delayed intervention with pyridoxamine improves metabolic function and prevents adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistance in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. Diabetes. 2016; 65(4): 956-966.



Chatrou ML, Cleutjens JP, van der Vusse GJ, Roijers RB, Mutsaers PH and Schurgers LJ. Intra-Section Analysis of Human Coronary Arteries Reveals a Potential Role for Micro-Calcifications in Macrophage Recruitment in the Early Stage of Atherosclerosis. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0142335.



Medina I, Cougoule C, Drechsler M, Bermudez B, Koenen RR, Sluimer J, Wolfs I, Doring Y, Herias V, Gijbels M, Bot I, de Jager S, Weber C, Cleutjens J, van Berkel TJ, Sikkink KJ, Mocsai A, Maridonneau-Parini I, Soehnlein O and Biessen EA. Hck/Fgr Kinase Deficiency Reduces Plaque Growth and Stability by Blunting Monocyte Recruitment and Intraplaque Motility. Circulation. 2015; 132:490-501.



Theelen TL, Lappalainen JP, Sluimer JC, Gurzeler E, Cleutjens JP, Gijbels MJ, Biessen EA, Daemen MJ, Alitalo K and Yla-Herttuala S. Angiopoietin-2 blocking antibodies reduce early atherosclerotic plaque development in mice. Atherosclerosis. 2015;241:297-304.



Alexander BE,  Achlatis, Osinga, Geest van der HG, Cleutjens JPM, Schutte B, Goeij de JM. Cell kinetics during regeneration in the sponge Halisarca caerulea: how local is the response to tissue damage? PeerJ. 2015;3:e820.



Marsch E, Theelen TL, Demandt JA, Jeurissen M, van Gink M, Verjans R, Janssen A, Cleutjens JP, Meex SJ, Donners MM, Haenen GR, Schalkwijk CG, Dubois LJ, Lambin P, Mallat Z, Gijbels MJ, Heemskerk JW, Fisher EA, Biessen EA, Janssen BJ, Daemen MJ, Sluimer JC. Reversal of hypoxia in murine atherosclerosis prevents necrotic core expansion by enhancing efferocytosis. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2014;34:2545-2553



Hoeksema MA, Gijbels MJ, Van den Bossche J, van der Velden S, Sijm A, Neele AE, Seijkens T, Stoger JL, Meiler S, Boshuizen MC, Dallinga-Thie GM, Levels JH, Boon L, Mullican SE, Spann NJ, Cleutjens JP, Glass CK, Lazar MA, de Vries CJ, Biessen EA, Daemen MJ, Lutgens E, de Winther MP. Targeting macrophage histone deacetylase 3 stabilizes atherosclerotic lesions. EMBO molecular medicine. 2014;6:1124-1132



Hanssen NM, Brouwers O, Gijbels MJ, Wouters K, Wijnands E, Cleutjens JP, De Mey JG, Miyata T, Biessen EA, Stehouwer CD, Schalkwijk CG. Glyoxalase 1 overexpression does not affect atherosclerotic lesion size and severity in apoe-/- mice with or without diabetes. Cardiovascular research. 2014;104:160-170



Eurlings IM, Dentener MA, Cleutjens JP, Peutz CJ, Rohde GG, Wouters EF, Reynaert NL. Similar matrix alterations in alveolar and small airway walls of copd patients. BMC pulmonary medicine. 2014;14:90



Burgmaier M, Schutters K, Willems B, van der Vorst EP, Kusters D, Chatrou M, Norling L, Biessen EA, Cleutjens J, Perretti M, Schurgers LJ, Reutelingsperger CP. Anxa5 reduces plaque inflammation of advanced atherosclerotic lesions in apoe(-/-) mice. Journal of cellular and molecular medicine. 2014;18:2117-2124



Alexander BE, Liebrand K, Osinga R, van der Geest HG, Admiraal W, Cleutjens JP, Schutte B, Verheyen F, Ribes M, van Loon E, de Goeij JM. Cell turnover and detritus production in marine sponges from tropical and temperate benthic ecosystems. PloS one. 2014;9:e109486



Theys J, Yahyanejad S, Habets R, Span P, Dubois L, Paesmans K, Kattenbeld B, Cleutjens J, Groot AJ, Schuurbiers OC, Lambin P, Bussink J, Vooijs M. High notch activity induces radiation resistance in non small cell lung cancer. Radiotherapy and oncology: journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2013;108:440-445



Jetten N, Donners MM, Wagenaar A, Cleutjens JP, van Rooijen N, de Winther MP, Post MJ. Local delivery of polarized macrophages improves reperfusion recovery in a mouse hind limb ischemia model. PloS one. 2013;8:e68811



Jellema RK, Lima Passos V, Zwanenburg A, Ophelders DR, De Munter S, Vanderlocht J, Germeraad WT, Kuypers E, Collins JJ, Cleutjens JP, Jennekens W, Gavilanes AW, Seehase M, Vles HJ, Steinbusch H, Andriessen P, Wolfs TG, Kramer BW. Cerebral inflammation and mobilization of the peripheral immune system following global hypoxia-ischemia in preterm sheep. Journal of neuroinflammation. 2013;10:13


Eskens BJ, Mooij HL, Cleutjens JP, Roos JM, Cobelens JE, Vink H, Vanteeffelen JW. Rapid insulin-mediated increase in microvascular glycocalyx accessibility in skeletal muscle may contribute to insulin-mediated glucose disposal in rats. PloS one. 2013;8:e55399



Gaens ME, Backes WH, Rozel S, Lipperts M, Sanders SN, Jaspers K, Cleutjens JP, Sluimer JC, Heeneman S, Daemen MJ, Welten RJ, Daemen JW, Wildberger JE, Kwee RM, Kooi ME. Dynamic contrast-enhanced mr imaging of carotid atherosclerotic plaque: Model selection, reproducibility, and validation. Radiology. 2013;266:271-279


Hoving S, Heeneman S, Gijbels MJ, Te Poele JA, Visser N, Cleutjens J, Russell NS, Daemen MJ, Stewart FA. Irradiation induces different inflammatory and thrombotic responses in carotid arteries of wildtype c57bl/6j and atherosclerosis-prone apoe(-/-) mice. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 2012;105:365-370


Goossens GH, Moors CC, van der Zijl NJ, Venteclef N, Alili R, Jocken JW, Essers Y, Cleutjens JP, Clement K, Diamant M, Blaak EE. Valsartan improves adipose tissue function in humans with impaired glucose metabolism: A randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial. PloS one. 2012;7:e39930


Collins JJ, Kuypers E, Nitsos I, Jane Pillow J, Polglase GR, Kemp MW, Newnham JP, Cleutjens JP, Frints SG, Kallapur SG, Jobe AH, Kramer BW. Lps-induced chorioamnionitis and antenatal corticosteroids modulate shh signaling in the ovine fetal lung. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology. 2012;303:L778-787


Austen S, Punt IM, Cleutjens JP, Willems PC, Kurtz SM, Macdonald DW, van Rhijn LW, van Ooij A. (2012) Clinical, radiological, histological and retrieval findings of activ-l and mobidisc total disc replacements: A study of two patients. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 21 Suppl 4:513-520



Lobbes MB, Cleutjens JP, Lima Passos V, Frotscher C, Lahaye MJ, Keymeulen KB, Beets-Tan RG, Wildberger J, Boetes C. Density is in the eye of the beholder: Visual versus semi-automated assessment of breast density on standard mammograms. Insights into imaging. 2012;3:91-99



Punt IM, Austen S, Cleutjens JP, Kurtz SM, ten Broeke RH, van Rhijn LW, Willems PC, van Ooij A. (2012) Are periprosthetic tissue reactions observed after revision of total disc replacement comparable to the reactions observed after total hip or knee revision surgery? Spine  37:150-159



Goossens, G. H., Bizzarri, A., Venteclef, N., Essers, Y., Cleutjens, J. P., Konings, E., Jocken, J. W., Cajlakovic, M., Ribitsch, V., Clement, K., and Blaak, E. E. (2011) Increased adipose tissue oxygen tension in obese compared with lean men is accompanied by insulin resistance, impaired adipose tissue capillarization, and inflammation. Circulation 124, 67-76



van Almen GC, Swinnen M, Carai P, Verhesen W, Cleutjens JP, D'Hooge J, Verheyen FK, Pinto YM, Schroen B, Carmeliet P, Heymans S. (2011) Absence of thrombospondin-2 increases cardiomyocyte damage and matrix disruption in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. J of Mol Cell Cardiol . 51:318-328



Steegh, F. M., Gelens, M. A., Nieman, F. H., van Hooff, J. P., Cleutjens, J. P., van Suylen, R. J., Daemen, M. J., van Heurn, E. L., Christiaans, M. H., and Peutz-Kootstra, C. J. (2011) Early loss of peritubular capillaries after kidney transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol  22, 1024-1029



Roijers, R. B., Debernardi, N., Cleutjens, J. P., Schurgers, L. J., Mutsaers, P. H., and van der Vusse, G. J. (2011) Microcalcifications in early intimal lesions of atherosclerotic human coronary arteries. Am J Pathol  178, 2879-2887



van Almen GC, Verhesen W, van Leeuwen RE, van de Vrie M, Eurlings C, Schellings MW, Swinnen M, Cleutjens JP, van Zandvoort MA, Heymans S, Schroen B. (2011) Microrna-18 and microrna-19 regulate ctgf and tsp-1 expression in age-related heart failure. Aging cell 10:769-779



Poggi M, Engel D, Christ A, Beckers L, Wijnands E, Boon L, Driessen A, Cleutjens J, Weber C, Gerdes N, Lutgens E. (2011) Cd40l deficiency ameliorates adipose tissue inflammation and metabolic manifestations of obesity in mice. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology . 31:2251-2260



Babiker FA, Lorenzen-Schmidt I, Mokelke E, Vanagt WY, Delhaas T, Waltenberger J, Cleutjens JP, Prinzen FW. Long-term protection and mechanism of pacing-induced postconditioning in the heart. Basic Res Cardiol.  2010 Jul;105(4):523-33.




Daniels A, van Bilsen M, Janssen BJ, Brouns AE, Cleutjens JP, Roemen TH, Schaart G, van der Velden J, van der Vusse GJ, van Nieuwenhoven FA. Impaired cardiac functional reserve in type 2 diabetic db/db mice is associated with metabolic, but not structural, remodelling.  Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2010 Feb 17.  



Lutgens E, Lievens D, Beckers L, Wijnands E, Soehnlein O, Zernecke A, Seijkens T, Engel D, Cleutjens J, Keller AM, Naik SH, Boon L, Oufella HA, Mallat Z, Ahonen CL, Noelle RJ, de Winther MP, Daemen MJ, Biessen EA, Weber C. Deficient CD40-TRAF6 signaling in leukocytes prevents atherosclerosis by skewing the immune response toward an antiinflammatory profile. J Exp Med.  2010 Feb;207(2):391-404.



Bracke KR, Dentener MA, Papakonstantinou E, Vernooy JH, Demoor T, Pauwels NS, Cleutjens J, van Suylen R, Joos GF, Brusselle GG, Wouters EF. Enhanced Deposition of Low Weight Hyaluronan in Lungs of Cigarette Smoke-Exposed Mice. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. . 2010 Jun:42(6):753-761



De Goeij JM, De Kluijver A, Van Duyl FC, Vacelet J, Wijffels RH, De Goeij AF, Cleutjens JP, Schutte B. Cell kinetics of the marine sponge Halisarca caerulea reveal rapid cell turnover and shedding. J Exp Biol.  2009 Dec;212(Pt 23):3892-900. 



Debats IB, Wolfs TG, Gotoh T, Cleutjens JP, Peutz-Kootstra CJ, van der Hulst RR. Role of arginine in superficial wound healing in man. Nitric Oxide. 2009 Jul 26;21:175-183.



Delnoij T, van Suylen RJ, Cleutjens JP, Schalla S, Bekkers SC. In vivo histology by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Eur Heart J. 2009 Oct:30(20): 2492



Russell NS, Hoving S, Heeneman S, Hage JJ, Woerdeman LA, de Bree R, Lohuis PJ, Smeele L, Cleutjens J, Valenkamp A, Dorresteijn LD, Dalesio O, Daemen MJ, Stewart FA. Novel insights into pathological changes in muscular arteries of radiotherapy patients. Radiother Oncol. 2009 Jun 19;92(3):477-483.



van den Borne SW, van de Schans VA, Strzelecka AE, Vervoort-Peters HT, Lijnen PM, Cleutjens JP, Smits JF, Daemen MJ, Janssen BJ, Blankesteijn WM. Mouse strain determines the outcome of wound healing after myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc Res. 2009 Nov 1;84(2):273-82.



Debats IB, Booi DI, Wehrens KM, Cleutjens J, Deutz NE, van de Hogen E, Bemelmans M, van der Hulst RR. Oral Arginine Supplementation and the Effect on Skin Graft Donor Sites: A Randomized Clinical Pilot Study. J Burn Care Res. 2009 May-Jun;30(3):417-26.



Punt IM, Cleutjens JP, de Bruin T, Willems PC, Kurtz SM, van Rhijn LW, Schurink GW, van Ooij A. Periprosthetic tissue reactions observed at revision of total intervertebral disc arthroplasty. Biomaterials. 2009 Apr;30(11):2079-84.



Schellings MW, Vanhoutte D, Swinnen M, Cleutjens JP, Debets J, van Leeuwen RE, d'Hooge J, Van de Werf F, Carmeliet P, Pinto YM, Sage EH, Heymans S. Absence of SPARC results in increased cardiac rupture and dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction. J Exp Med. 2009 Jan 16;206(1):113-23.



van den Borne SW, Cleutjens JP, Hanemaaijer R, Creemers EE, Smits JF, Daemen MJ, Blankesteijn WM. Increased matrix metalloproteinase-8 and -9 activity in patients with infarct rupture after myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2009 Jan-Feb;18(1):37-43.



Sluimer J, Gasc J, Hamming I, van Goor H, Michaud A, van den Akker L, Jütten B, Cleutjens J, Bijnens A, Corvol P, Daemen M, Heeneman S. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression and activity in human carotid atherosclerotic lesions. J Pathol. 2008 Apr 14;215(3):273-279.



Sluimer JC, Gasc JM, van Wanroij JL, Kisters N, Groeneweg M, Sollewijn Gelpke MD, Cleutjens JP, van den Akker LH, Corvol P, Wouters BG, Daemen MJ, Bijnens AP. Hypoxia, hypoxia-inducible transcription factor, and macrophages in human atherosclerotic plaques are correlated with intraplaque angiogenesis. J Am Coll Cardiol. Apr 1 2008;51(13):1258-1265.



Donners MM, Beckers L, Lievens D, Munnix I, Heemskerk J, Janssen BJ, Wijnands E, Cleutjens J, Zernecke A, Weber C, Ahonen CL, Benbow U, Newby AC, Noelle RJ, Daemen MJ, Lutgens E. The CD40-TRAF6 axis is the key regulator of the CD40/CD40L system in neointima formation and arterial remodeling. Blood. May 1 2008; 111(9):4596-604.



Smeets PJ, Teunissen BE, Willemsen PH, van Nieuwenhoven FA, Brouns AE, Janssen BJ, Cleutjens JP, Staels B, van der Vusse GJ, van Bilsen M. Cardiac hypertrophy is enhanced in PPAR alpha-/- mice in response to chronic pressure overload. Eur Soc Cardiol.  Apr 1 2008;78(1):79-89.



Roijers RB, Dutta RK, Cleutjens JP, Mutsaers PH, de Goeij JJ, van der Vusse GJ. Early calcifications in human coronary arteries as determined with a proton microprobe. Anal Chem. Jan 1 2008;80(1):55-61.



Megens RT, Oude Egbrink MG, Cleutjens JP, Kuijpers MJ, Schiffers PH, Merkx M, Slaaf DW, van Zandvoort MA. Imaging collagen in intact viable healthy and atherosclerotic arteries using fluorescently labeled CNA35 and two-photon laser scanning microscopy. Molecular Imaging. 2007 Jul-Aug;6(4):247-60.



Bruggink AH, van Oosterhout MF, de Jonge N, Cleutjens JP, van Wichen DF, van Kuik J, Tilanus MG, Gmelig-Meyling FH, van den Tweel JG, de Weger RA. Type IV collagen degradation in the myocardial basement membrane after unloading of the failing heart by a left ventricular assist device. Lab Invest. 2007 Nov; 87(11):1125-37.



Cheng YY, Pels E, Cleutjens JP, van Suylen RJ, Hendrikse F, Nuijts RM. Corneal Endothelial Viability After Femtosecond Laser Preparation of Posterior Lamellar Discs for Descemet-Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty. Cornea. Oct 2007;26(9):1118-1122.



Driesen RB, Verheyen FK, Dijkstra P, Thone F, Cleutjens JP, Lenders MH, Ramaekers FC, Borgers M. Structural remodelling of cardiomyocytes in the border zone of infarcted rabbit heart. Mol Cell Biochem. 2007 Aug; 302(1-2):225-32.



Lerut E, Kuypers DR, Verbeken E, Cleutjens J, Vlaminck H, Vanrenterghem Y, Van Damme B. Acute rejection in non-compliant renal allograft recipients: a distinct morphology. Clin Transplant. May-Jun 2007;21(3):344-351.



Vanagt WY, Cornelussen RN, Poulina QP, Blaauw E, Vernooy K, Cleutjens JP, van Bilsen M, Delhaas T, Prinzen FW. Pacing-induced dys-synchrony preconditions rabbit myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion injury. Circulation. Jul 4 2006;114(1 Suppl):I264-269.



Bruggink AH, van Oosterhout MF, de Jonge N, Ivangh B, van Kuik J, Voorbij RH, Cleutjens JP, Gmelig-Meyling FH, de Weger RA. Reverse remodeling of the myocardial extracellular matrix after prolonged left ventricular assist device support follows a biphasic pattern. J Heart Lung Transplant. Sep 2006;25(9):1091-1098.



Buehler A, van Zandvoort MA, Stelt BJ, Hackeng TM, Schrans-Stassen BH, Bennaghmouch A, Hofstra L, Cleutjens JP, Duijvestijn A, Smeets MB, de Kleijn DP, Post MJ, de Muinck ED. cNGR: a novel homing sequence for CD13/APN targeted molecular imaging of murine cardiac angiogenesis in vivo. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. Dec 2006;26(12):2681-2687.



Schurgers LJ, Teunissen KJ, Knapen MH, Kwaijtaal M, van Diest R, Appels A, Reutelingsperger CP, Cleutjens JP, Vermeer C. Novel conformation-specific antibodies against matrix gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) protein: undercarboxylated matrix Gla protein as marker for vascular calcification. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. Aug 2005;25(8):1629-1633.



Kolbach DN, Hamulyak K, Prins MH, Neumann HA, Cleutjens JP. Severity of venous insufficiency is related to the density of microvascular deposition of PAI-1, uPA and von Willebrand factor. Vasa. Feb 2004;33(1):19-24.



Xia QG, Reinecke A, Dorenkamp M, Storz C, Bitterling H, Penz S, Cleutjens J, Daemen MJ, Simon R, Unger T. Comparison of cardioprotective effects of mibefradil and ramipril in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Acta Pharmacol Sin. Jun 2004;25(6):763-768.



De Celle T, Cleutjens JP, Blankesteijn WM, Debets JJ, Smits JF, Janssen BJ. Long-term structural and functional consequences of cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury in vivo in mice. Exp Physiol. Sep 2004;89(5):605-615.



Schroen B, Heymans S, Sharma U, Blankesteijn WM, Pokharel S, Cleutjens JP, Porter JG, Evelo CT, Duisters R, van Leeuwen RE, Janssen BJ, Debets JJ, Smits JF, Daemen MJ, Crijns HJ, Bornstein P, Pinto YM. Thrombospondin-2 is essential for myocardial matrix integrity: increased expression identifies failure-prone cardiac hypertrophy. Circ Res. Sep 3 2004;95(5):515-522.



Lutgens LC, Deutz N, Granzier-Peeters M, Beets-Tan R, De Ruysscher D, Gueulette J, Cleutjens J, Berger M, Wouters B, von Meyenfeldt M, Lambin P. Plasma citrulline concentration: a surrogate end point for radiation-induced mucosal atrophy of the small bowel. A feasibility study in 23 patients. J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Sep 1 2004;60(1):275-285.



Kornet L, Bergen AA, Hoeks AP, Cleutjens JP, Oostra RJ, Daemen MJ, van Soest S, Reneman RS. In patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum a thicker and more elastic carotid artery is associated with elastin fragmentation and proteoglycans accumulation. Ultrasound Med Biol. Aug 2004;30(8):1041-1048.



Pokharel S, van Geel PP, Sharma UC, Cleutjens JP, Bohnemeier H, Tian XL, Schunkert H, Crijns HJ, Paul M, Pinto YM. Increased myocardial collagen content in transgenic rats overexpressing cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme is related to enhanced breakdown of N-acetyl-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro and increased phosphorylation of Smad2/3. Circulation. Nov 9 2004;110(19):3129-3135.



Sharma UC, Pokharel S, van Brakel TJ, van Berlo JH, Cleutjens JP, Schroen B, Andre S, Crijns HJ, Gabius HJ, Maessen J, Pinto YM. Galectin-3 marks activated macrophages in failure-prone hypertrophied hearts and contributes to cardiac dysfunction. Circulation. Nov 9 2004;110(19):3121-3128.



Creemers EE, Davis JN, Parkhurst AM, Leenders P, Dowdy KB, Hapke E, Hauet AM, Escobar PG, Cleutjens JP, Smits JF, Daemen MJ, Zile MR, Spinale FG. Deficiency of TIMP-1 exacerbates LV remodeling after myocardial infarction in mice. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. Jan 2003;284(1):H364-371. 


Heeneman S, Cleutjens JP, Faber BC, Creemers EE, van Suylen RJ, Lutgens E, Cleutjens KB, Daemen MJ. The dynamic extracellular matrix: intervention strategies during heart failure and atherosclerosis. J Pathol. Jul 2003;200(4):516-525.



Lutgens LC, Deutz NE, Gueulette J, Cleutjens JP, Berger MP, Wouters BG, von Meyenfeldt MF, Lambin P. Citrulline: a physiologic marker enabling quantitation and monitoring of epithelial radiation-induced small bowel damage. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Nov 15 2003;57(4):1067-1074.



Ratajska A, Cleutjens JP. Embryogenesis of the rat heart: the expression of collagenases. Basic Res Cardiol. May 2002;97(3):189-197.



Lardenoye JH, de Vries MR, Lowik CW, Xu Q, Dhore CR, Cleutjens JP, van Hinsbergh VW, van Bockel JH, Quax PH. Accelerated atherosclerosis and calcification in vein grafts: a study in APOE*3 Leiden transgenic mice. Circ Res. Oct 4 2002;91(7):577-584.



Cleutjens JP, Creemers EE. Integration of concepts: cardiac extracellular matrix remodeling after myocardial infarction. J Card Fail.  Dec 2002;8(6 Suppl):S344-348.



Sandmann S, Claas R, Cleutjens JP, Daemen MJ, Unger T. Calcium channel blockade limits cardiac remodeling and improves cardiac function in myocardial infarction-induced heart failure in rats. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. Jan 2001;37(1):64-77.



van Gijn ME, Snel F, Cleutjens JP, Smits JF, Blankesteijn WM. Overexpression of components of the Frizzled-Dishevelled cascade results in apoptotic cell death, mediated by beta-catenin. Exp Cell Res. Apr 15 2001;265(1):46-53.



Schurgers LJ, Dissel PE, Spronk HM, Soute BA, Dhore CR, Cleutjens JP, Vermeer C. Role of vitamin K and vitamin K-dependent proteins in vascular calcification. Z Kardiol. 2001;90 Suppl 3:57-63.



Creemers EE, Cleutjens JP, Smits JF, Daemen MJ. Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition after myocardial infarction: a new approach to prevent heart failure? Circ Res. Aug 3 2001;89(3):201-210.



van Eickels M, Grohe C, Cleutjens JP, Janssen BJ, Wellens HJ, Doevendans PA. 17beta-estradiol attenuates the development of pressure-overload hypertrophy. Circulation. Sep 18 2001;104(12):1419-1423.



Blankesteijn WM, Creemers E, Lutgens E, Cleutjens JP, Daemen MJ, Smits JF. Dynamics of cardiac wound healing following myocardial infarction: observations in genetically altered mice. Acta Physiol Scand. Sep 2001;173(1):75-82.



Spronk HM, Soute BA, Schurgers LJ, Cleutjens JP, Thijssen HH, De Mey JG, Vermeer C. Matrix Gla protein accumulates at the border of regions of calcification and normal tissue in the media of the arterial vessel wall. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Nov 30 2001;289(2):485-490.



Dhore CR, Cleutjens JP, Lutgens E, Cleutjens KB, Geusens PP, Kitslaar PJ, Tordoir JH, Spronk HM, Vermeer C, Daemen MJ. Differential expression of bone matrix regulatory proteins in human atherosclerotic plaques. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. Dec 2001;21(12):1998-2003.



Creemers E, Cleutjens J, Smits J, Heymans S, Moons L, Collen D, Daemen M, Carmeliet P. Disruption of the plasminogen gene in mice abolishes wound healing after myocardial infarction. Am J Pathol. Jun 2000;156(6):1865-1873.



Heymans S, Luttun A, Nuyens D, Theilmeier G, Creemers E, Moons L, Dyspersin GD, Cleutjens JP, Shipley M, Angellilo A, Levi M, Nube O, Baker A, Keshet E, Lupu F, Herbert JM, Smits JF, Shapiro SD, Baes M, Borgers M, Collen D, Daemen MJ, Carmeliet P. Inhibition of plasminogen activators or matrix metalloproteinases prevents cardiac rupture but impairs therapeutic angiogenesis and causes cardiac failure. Nat Med. Oct 1999;5(10):1135-1142.



Cleutjens JP, Blankesteijn WM, Daemen MJ, Smits JF. The infarcted myocardium: simply dead tissue, or a lively target for therapeutic interventions. Cardiovasc Res. Nov 1999;44(2):232-241.



van Oosterhout MF, Prinzen FW, Arts T, Schreuder JJ, Vanagt WY, Cleutjens JP, Reneman RS. Asynchronous electrical activation induces asymmetrical hypertrophy of the left ventricular wall. Circulation. Aug 11 1998;98(6):588-595.



Vos MA, de Groot SH, Verduyn SC, van der Zande J, Leunissen HD, Cleutjens JP, van Bilsen M, Daemen MJ, Schreuder JJ, Allessie MA, Wellens HJ. Enhanced susceptibility for acquired torsade de pointes arrhythmias in the dog with chronic, complete AV block is related to cardiac hypertrophy and electrical remodeling. Circulation. Sep 15 1998;98(11):1125-1135.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Katwa LC, Cleutjens JP. Tissue repair and angiotensin II generated at sites of healing. Basic Res Cardiol. Apr 1997;92(2):75-78.



de Vries JE, Vork MM, Roemen TH, de Jong YF, Cleutjens J  P, van der Vusse GJ, van Bilsen M. Saturated but not mono-unsaturated fatty acids induce apoptotic cell death in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. J Lipid Res. Jul 1997;38(7):1384-1394.



Ulrich MM, Janssen AM, Daemen MJ, Rappaport L, Samuel JL, Contard F, Smits JF, Cleutjens JP. Increased expression of fibronectin isoforms after myocardial infarction in rats. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Sep 1997;29(9):2533-2543.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Cleutjens JP. Structural remodeling of the infarcted rat heart. Exs. 1996;76:489-499.



Tyagi SC, Cleutjens JP. Myocardial collagenase: purification and structural characterization. Can J Cardiol. Feb 1996;12(2):165-171.



Cleutjens JP. The role of matrix metalloproteinases in heart disease. Cardiovasc Res. Nov 1996;32(5):816-821.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Katwa LC, Cleutjens JP. Connective tissue; a metabolic entity? J Mol Cell Cardiol. Jan 1995;27(1):107-120.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Cleutjens JPM. Structural remodeling of the myocardium postinfarction: potential mechanisms and influence of therapy. Cardiology in Review 1995; 3:53-65.



Katwa LC, Ratajska A, Cleutjens JP, Sun Y, Zhou G, Lee SJ, Weber KT. Angiotensin converting enzyme and kininase-II-like activities in cultured valvular interstitial cells of the rat heart. Cardiovasc Res. Jan 1995;29(1):57-64.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Katwa LC, Cleutjens JP, Zhou G. Connective tissue and repair in the heart. Potential regulatory mechnisms. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Mar 27 1995;752:286-299.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Guarda E, Katwa LC, Ratajska A, Cleutjens JP, Zhou G. Myocardial fibrosis in hypertensive heart disease: an overview of potential regulatory mechanisms. Eur Heart J. May 1995;16 Suppl C:24-28.



Cleutjens JP, Kandala JC, Guarda E, Guntaka RV, Weber KT. Regulation of collagen degradation in the rat myocadium after infarction. J Mol Cell CardiolJun 1995;27(6):1281-1292.



Ausma J, Cleutjens J, Thone F, Flameng W, Ramaekers F, Borgers M. Chronic hibernating myocardium: interstitial changes. Mol Cell Biochem. Jun 7-21 1995;147(1-2):35-42.



Cleutjens JP, Verluyten MJ, Smiths JF, Daemen MJ. Collagen remodeling after myocardial infarction in the rat heart. Am J Pathol. Aug 1995;147(2):325-338.



Smits JF, Passier RC, Nelissen-Vrancken HJ, Cleutjens JP, Kuizinga MC, Daemen MJ. Does ACE inhibition limit structural changes in the heart following myocardial infarction? Eur Heart J. Dec 1995;16 Suppl N:46-51.



Weber KT, Sun Y, Tyagi SC, Cleutjens JP. Collagen network of the myocardium: function, structural remodeling and regulatory mechanisms. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Mar 1994;26(3):279-292.



Ratajska A, Campbell SE, Cleutjens JP, Weber KT. Angiotensin II and structural remodeling of coronary vessels in rats. J Lab Clin Med. Sep 1994;124(3):408-415.



Sun Y, Cleutjens JP, Diaz-Arias AA, Weber KT. Cardiac angiotensin converting enzyme and myocardial fibrosis in the rat. Cardiovasc Res. Sep 1994;28(9):1423-1432.



Volders PG, Willems IE, Cleutjens JP, Arends JW, Havenith MG, Daemen MJ. Interstitial collagen is increased in the non-infarcted human myocardium after myocardial infarction. J Mol Cell Cardiol.  Nov 1993;25(11):1317-1323.



Smits JF, van Krimpen C, Schoemaker RG, Cleutjens JP, Daemen MJ. Angiotensin II receptor blockade after myocardial infarction inrats: effects on hemodynamics, myocardial DNA synthesis, and interstitial collagen content.  J. Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992;20(5):772-778.



Bosman FT, Havenith MG, Visser R, Cleutjens JP. Basement membranes in neoplasia. Prog Histochem Cytochem. 1992;24(4):1-92.



van Kleef EM, Smits JF, De Mey JG, Cleutjens JP, Lombardi DM, Schwartz SM, Daemen MJ. Alpha 1-adrenoreceptor blockade reduces the angiotensin II-induced vascualr smooth muscle cell DNA synthesis in the rat thoracic aorta and carotid artery. Circ Res. Jun 1992;70(6):1122-1127.



van Baar HM, Perret CM, van Vlijmen-Willems IM, Cleutjens JP, Mackie EJ, Happle R, Schalkwijk J. Expression of tenascin in perifollicular connective tissue: comparison of normal scalp and alopercia areata. Arch Dermatol Res. 1991;283(2):86-90.



Smits JF, Cleutjens JP, van Krimpen C, Schoemaker RG, Daemen MJ. Cardiac remodeling in hypertension and following myocardial infarction: effects of arteriolar vasadilators. Basic Res Cardiol. 1991;86 Suppl 1:133-139. 



van Krimpen C, Schoemaker RG, Cleutjens JP, Smits JF, Struyker-Boudier HA, Bosman FT, Daemen MJ. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors and cardiac remodeling. Basic Res Cardiol. 1991;86 Suppl 1:149-155.



van Krimpen C, Smits JF, Cleutjens JP, Debets JJ, Schoemaker RG, Struyker Boudier HA, Bosman FT, Daemen MJ. DNA synthesis in the non-infarcted cardiac interstitium after left coronary artery ligation in the rat: effect of captopril. J Mol Cell Cardiol. Nov 1991;23(11):1245-1253.



Havenith MG, Dingemans KP, Cleutjens JP, Wagenaar SS, Bosman FT. Basement membranes in bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. Ultrastruct Pathol. Jan-Feb 1990;14(1):51-63.



Cleutjens JP, Havenith MG, Beek C, Vallinga M, Ten Kate J, Bosman FT. Origin of basement membrane type IV collagen in xenografted human epithelial tumor cell lines.  Am J Pathol. May 1990;136(5):1165-1172.



Cleutjens JP, Havenith MG, Kasper M, Vallinga M, Bosman FT. Absence of type IV collagen in the centre of the corneal epithelial basement membrane. Histochem J. Dec 1990;22(12):688-694.



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Cleutjens JP, Havenith MG, Vallinga M, Beek C, Bosman FT. Monoclonal antibodies to native basement membranes reveal heterogeneous immunoreactivity patterns. Histochemistry. 1989;92(5):407-412.



Havenith MG, van Zandvoort EH, Cleutjens JP, Bosman FT. Basement membrane deposition in benign and maligmant naevo-melanocytic lesions: an immunohistochemical study with antibodies to type IV collagen and laminin. Histopathology. Aug 1989;15(2):137-146.



Cleutjens J, Havenith MG, Beek C, Vallinga M, Bosman FT. Basale-membraan heterogeniteit vastgesteld met behulp van monoklonale antilichamen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde.  1988; 132:46-47.



Bosman FT, Cleutjens J, Beek C, Havenith M. Basement membrane heterogeneity. Histochem J. Nov 1989;21(11):629-633.



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Visser R, van der Beek JM, Havenith MG, Cleutjens JP, Bosman FT. Immunocytochemical detection of basement membrane antigens in the histopathological evaluation of laryngeal dysplasia and neoplasia. Histopathology. Feb 1986;10(2):171-180.



Bosman FT, Havenith M, Cleutjens JP. Basement membranes in cancer. Ultrastruct Pathol. 1985;8(4):291-304.






G. Books

Basement Membranes in Neoplasia (Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Vol 24, No 4) by Fred Bosman, Michael Havenith, Rob Visser, and Jack Cleutjens eds. (Paperback - Sep 1992)


    Book Chapters


Cleutjens, JPM. Regulation of cardiac extracellular matrix remodeling following myocardial infarction. In: Villareal FJ, ed. Interstital Fibrosis In Heart Failure. Springer Verlag 2005:239-252


Creemers, EEJM, Cleutjens, JPM, Smits, JFM, Daemen, MJAP. The role of matrix metalloproteinases in LV remodeling following myocardial infarction. In: Feuerstein, G, ed. Inflammation and Cardiac Diseases. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag AG; 2003:57-75.


Weber KT, Sun Y, Cleutjens JPM. Structural remodeling of the infarcted rat heart. In: Karmazyn M, ed. Myocardial Ischemia: Mechanisms, Reperfusion, Protection . Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag AG, 1996:489-499.


Weber KT, Sun Y, Ratajska A, Cleutjens JPM, Tyagi SC. Structural remodeling of the myocardium in ischemic and hypertensive heart disease. In: Dhalla NS, Beamish RE, Takeda N, Nagano M, eds. The Failing Heart. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven, 1995:163-185.


Cleutjens JPM, Weber KT. Collagen degradation after myocardial infarction. In: Weber KT, ed. Wound Healing in Cardiovascular Disease. Armonk, NY: Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1995:169-177.


van Krimpen C, Cleutjens JPM, Schoemaker RG, Daemen MJAP, Smits JFM. Structural and functional effects of angiotensin II receptor blockade after myocardial infarction in the rat. In: MacGregor YA, Sever PS, eds. Current advances in ACE inhibition 2. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1991:240-243.



 K. Invited lectures


Symposium: PGO passé? Lezing: Verbetervoorstellen voor het PGO: Perspectief van een “excellente” tutor – 15 mei 2008


Symposium: Beroepsprofielen Life Sciences HsZuyd Heerlen: Schets van het beroepsprofiel in een kennisinstituut Life Sciences - Universiteit Maastricht - 11 april 2008


AIO cursus Papendal: Cardiac Woundhealing - 10 oktober 2007


Symposium "Mechanisms and Relevance of Extraosseous Calcifications in Renal Failure "Aachen, Germany, Vaals, The Netherlands, September 27, 2003: Role of calcifications for plaque stability and cardiovascular events in the normal population.


The European Society of Cardiology Congress 2003. 30 augustus - 3 september 2003 ? Wenen, Oostenrijk. "Matrix turnover in atherosclerosis and heart failure"  Titel presentatie: "Matrix metalloproteinases and myocardium"


Annual Scientific Meeting 2003 ? Heart Failure Society of America 21-24 september 2003 ? Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Symposium VII: Myocardial Remodeling Process Following Myocardial Infarction: Where Are The Targets and Treatments? Title presentation: Targeting the Extracellular Matrix Post MI: Current and Future Strategies


Role of matrix metalloproteinases and plasminogen-plasmin system in wound healing after myocardial infarction. Dr. Weber, Division of Cardiology. University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 15-17 november 2000


Role of matrix metalloproteinases and plasminogen-plasmin system in wound healing after myocardial infarction in the mouse. Dr. F. Spinale: Medical University of South Carolina. Cardiothoracic surgery, Charleston SC USA, 9-11 november 2000


AHA Scientific Sessions. New Orleans , 12-15 november 2000. The role of matrix metalloproteinases and plasminogen system in wound healing after myocardial infarction.







L. Published Abstracts 




Speel EJ, Swarts D, Rudelius M, Claessen S, Cleutjens J, Volante M, Ramaekers F and Kloeppel G. Impact of Ki-67 proliferative index on survival in patients with typical and atypical pulmonary carcinoids. Virchows Archiv. 2015;467:S17-S17. 


van Haare J, Vink H, Eskens B, Cleutjens J, Cobelens H, van Teeffelen J. Systemic adenosine-induced impairment of endothelial glycocalyx barrier properties is associated with a reduction in functional capillary density in hindlimb skeletal muscle of rats. Faseb Journal. 2012;26


van Haare J, Vink H, Eskens B, Cleutjens J, Cobelens H, van Teeffelen J. Effects of systemic adenosine infusion on dextran accessibility into capillaries of skeletal muscle of rats. Journal of Vascular Research. 2011;48:165-165


Goossens G, Bizzarri A, Venteclef N, Essers Y, Cleutjens J, Konings E, Jocken J, Cajlakovic M, Ribitsch V, Clement K, Blaak E. Increased adipose tissue oxygen tension in obese compared to lean men is accompanied by insulin resistance, impaired adipose tissue capillarisation and inflammation. Journal of Vascular Research. 2011;48:217-217


Link G, Van de Vijver K, Cleutjens J. The fat component of the urogenital diaphragm is an important determinant of the success of a conventional anterior wall repair. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2010;29:1220-1221


Link G, Van de Vijver K, Cleutjens J. The fat component of the urogenital diaphragm is an important determinant of the success of a conventional anterior wall repair. International Urogynecology Journal. 2010;21:S416-S417


Goossens GH, Moors CCM, van der Zijl NJ, Cleutjens JP, Diamant M, Blaak EE. Long-term treatment with the angiotensin-receptor blocker valsartan improves adipose tissue function in normotensive subjects with impaired glucose metabolism. Diabetologia. 2010;53


Babiker FA, Vanagt WY, Delhaas T, Waltenberger J, Cleutjens J, Prinzen F. Exploration of the mechanisms of pacing postconditioning. Circulation. 2009;120:S870-S870


Sluimer J, Gasc JM, Kisters N, Gelpke MDS, Cleutjens JP, Wouters BG, van den Akker LH, Corvol P, Daemen MJ, Bijnens AP. HIF pathway is associated with progression and neovascularization of human atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2006;114(18 Suppl. S):251.


Bruggink AH, van Oosterhout MFM, de Jonge N, Cleutjens JPM, van Wichen DF, van Kuik J, Gmelig-Meyling FHJ, de Weger R. Cardiomyocyte basement membrane integrity is affected after left ventricular unloading in end stage heart failure: The role of MMP-2. Laboratory Investigation. 2006;86(Suppl. 1):203.


Bruggink AH, van Oosterhout MFM, de Jonge N, Cleutjens JPM, van Wichen DF, van Kuik J, Gmelig-Meyling FHJ, de Weger R. Cardiomyocyte basement membrane integrity is affected after left ventricular unloading in end stage heart failure: The role of MMP-2. Modern Pathology. 2006;19(Suppl.1 ):203.


van den Borne SW, Cleutjens JP, Lijnen PM, Daemen MJ, Smits JF, Blankesteijn WM. Increased MMP activity and degradation of cell adhesion molecules in ruptured human myocardial infarcts. Circulation. 2005;112(17 Suppl. S):U154.


Sharma U, Pokharel S, van Brakel T, van Berlo J, Cleutjens J, Andre S, Crijns H, Gabius HJ, Maessen J, Pinto Y. Galectin-3 identifies failure-prone hypertrophied hearts and contributes to cardiac dysfunction. Circulation. 2004;110(17 Suppl S.):105.


Blankesteijn WM, Evelo CTA, Creemers E, Cleutjens JPM, Debets J, Janssen BJA, Porter JG, Daemen M, Smits JFM. Time course of gene expression in infarcted and non-infarcted areas of the left ventricle after infarction. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology. 2004;369(Suppl. 1):R162.


Sharma UC, Schroen B, Blankesteijn M, Cleutjens J, Pokharel S, Janssen B, Evelo C, Portor G, Crijns H, Bornstein P, Pinto YM. Thrombospondin-2 is essential for myocardial integrity and increased expression predicts progression from cardiac hypertrophy to failure. Hypertension. 2003;42(4):634.


Sharma UC, Pokharel S, van Berlo J, Cleutjens J, Duisters R, Schroen B, Gabius H, Maessen J, Pinto YM. Galectin-3 is a novel macrophage derived mediator of cardiac fibrosis and specifically marks failing hearts. Circulation. 2003;108(17 Suppl S.):261.


Schroen B, Sharma UC, Blankestijn M, Cleutjens J, Evelo C, Portor G, Dulsters R, van Leeuwen R, Bornstein P, Pinto YM. Genomic analysis identifies thrombospondin-2 as a molecular predictor of heart failure. Circulation. 2003;108(17 Suppl S.):260.


Paquay JBG, Fazzi GE, Bitsch N, Duimel H, Cleutjens JP, Janssen BJ, De Mey JGR, Smits JFM, Blankesteijn WM. Association between the absence of myofibroblasts and excessive dilatation of the scar after MI. Hypertension. 2003;42(4):635.


Buehler A, van Zandvoort MA, Bennaghmouch A, Hackeng TM, Hofstra L, Cleutjens JP, Schrans-Stassen BH, Post MJ, Shapiro LH, de Muinck ED. The peptide cNGR homes to areas of angiogenesis: A novel tool for in vivo targeting of neo-vessels. Circulation. 2003;108(17 Suppl. S):299.


Pokharel S, de Boer RA, Flesch M, Suurmeijer AJH, van Kampen DA, Boomsma F, van Leeuwen REW, Cleutjens J, van Gilst WH, van Veldhuisen DJ, Crijns H, Pinto YM. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibition prevents progressive LV remodeling in angiotensinII driven heart failure. Hypertension. 2002;40(4):569.


Buehler A, Schrans-Stassen B, Sonnemans D, Hackeng T, Strzelecka A, Vroemen M, Duijvestijn A, Cleutjens JPM, Janssen A, Smeets M, de Kleijn D, Shapiro LH, de Muinck ED. The angiogenic regulator CD13/aminopeptidase N is induced in cardiac angiogenesis and functions as a vascular-specific address for targeted therapy. Circulation. 2002;106(19 Suppl. S):214.


Dhore CR, Cleutjens JPM, Maessen JG, Daemen M. Increased expression of bone matrix regulatory proteins in human degenerative valvular aortic disease. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. 2001 Apr;21(4):258.


Dhore C, Cleutjens J, van der Linden S, Daemen M, Geusens P. Identification of osteoprotegerin and osteoprotegerin-ligand in calcified atherosclerosic lesions. Bone. 2001 May;28(5):S118.


Dhore C, Cleutjens J, Kitslaar P, Spronk H, Vermeer C, Daemen M. Differential expression of bone regulatory matrix proteins in advanced human atherosclerotic plaques. Journal of Pathology. 2001 Mar;193:37A.


Creemers E, Meis I, Cleutjens JPM, Blankesteijn MW, Cleutjens K, Evelo CTA, Porter GJ, Smits JFM, Daemen M. Gene expression profiling in a model of absent infarct healing reveals distinct expression of several inflammatory and extracellular matrix related genes. Hypertension. 2001 Oct;38(4):PB11.


Creemers E, Davis JN, Parkhurst AM, Leenders P, Dowdy KB, Hapke E, Hauet AM, Simsic JM, Escobar PG, Smits JF, Daemen MJ, Cleutjens JP, Zile MR, Spinale FG. Left ventricular remodeling following myocardial infarction in mice: Effects of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene deletion. Circulation. 2001 Oct;104(17):1303.


Creemers E, Davis JN, Parkhurst AM, Leenders P, Dowdy KB, Hapke E, Hauet AM, Simsic JM, Escobar PG, Smits JF, Cleutjens JP, Daemen MJ, Zile MR, Spinale FG. Deficiency of the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 gene causes LV dilatation and diastolic dysfunction following myocardial infarction in mice. Circulation. 2001 Oct;104(17):1607.


Cleutjens JPM, Smits JFM, Bornstein P, Daemen MJAP. Thrombospondin 2 deficiency in mice results in early cardiac rupture after myocardial infarction. Journal of Pathology. 2001 Mar;193:38A.


Blankesteijn WM, Evelo CT, Creemers EE, Cleutjens JP, Janssen BJ, Porter JG, Daemen MJ, Smits JF. Time course of collagen gene expression profiles of infarcted and non-infarcted areas of the left ventricle after MI, analyzed by microarray. Circulation. 2001 Oct;104(17):1305.


Reinecke A, Xia Q, Penz S, Bitterling H, Storz C, Dorenkamp M, Cleutjens J, Daemen M, Unger T. Comparison between angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonism, ACE inhibition and combined treatment. Effects on mortality functional and morphological parameters alter experimental myocardial infarction in stroke-prone SHRs. Hypertension. 1999 Oct;34(4):696.


Heymans SB, Nuyens D, Creemers E, Moons L, Cleutjens JPM, Daemen M, Smits JFM, Collen D, Carmeliet P. Role of urokinase-type plasminogen activator in ventricular wall rupture, scar formation, and cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Circulation. 1999 Nov;100(18):1296.


Dhore C, Cleutjens J, Kitslaar P, Tordoir J, Soute B, Vermeer C, Daemen M. Osteocalcin and matrix GLA protein deposition is enhanced in human atherosclerotic plaques. Faseb Journal. 1999 Mar;13(4):A203.


Cleutjens JPM, Huynen F, Smits JFM, Bornstein P, Daemen M. Thrombospondin 2 deficiency in mice results in cardiac rupture early after myocardial infarction. Circulation. 1999 Nov;100(18):283.


Braam L, Dissel P, Spronk H, Houben R, Soute BAM, Gijsbers B, Daemen M, Cleutjens JPM, Dhore CR, Hamulyak K, Vermeer C. Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) for circulating matrix Gla-protein. Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 1999 Aug(Suppl. S):242


Creemers E, Daemen M, Cleutjens JPM, Smits JFM, Moons L, Collen D, Carmeliet P. Complete inhibition of cardiac wound healing after myocardial infarction in plasminogen deficient mice. Circulation. 1998 Oct;98(17):2910.


Creemers E, Daemen M, Cleutjens JPM, Smits JFM, Moons L, Collen D, Carmeliet P. Plasminogen deficiency leads to stagnant wound healing following myocardial infarction in mice. Hypertension. 1998 Oct;32(4):105.


Passier R, Cleutjens J, Marx P, Smits J, Daemen M. Inhibition of apoptosis by angiotensin type I and II receptor antagonists in the infarcted rat heart. Hypertension. 1997 Oct;30(4):105.


Creemers E, Daemen M, Cleutjens J. Localization of matrix metalloproteinases in human infarcted myocardium. Hypertension. 1997 Oct;30(4):92.


Cleutjens JPM, Passier RC, Smits JFM, Daemen M. The effect of angiotensin type I and II receptor antagonists on apoptosis in the infarcted rat heart. Circulation. 1997 Oct;96(8):650.


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Katwa LC, Ratajska A, Cleutjens JPM, Sun Y, Zhou GP, Lee SJ, Weber KT. Valvular interstitial-cells – implications for a local angiotensin system and collagen turnover. Circulation. 1994 Oct;90(4):52.


Katwa LC, Ratajska A, Cleutjens JPM, Sun Y, Zhou G, Lee SJ, Weber KT. Valvular interstitial-cells (VIC) - A site of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) and high collagen turnover. Clinical Research. 1994 Oct;42(3):A363.


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Cleutjens JP, Guarda E, Weber KT. Transcriptional and posttranslational regulation of interstitial collagenase after myocardial-infarction in the rat-heart. Circulation. 1993 Oct;88(4):380.


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